This documentary was very interesting to watch especially for someone who went through a more regular school stream. I struggled with the concept of  the teachers choosing whatever they want to teach. Learning things you wouldn’t normally in a regular class is very exciting but was challenged by the structure of the classes. I found myself in the shoes of the parents in wondering how this would impact the students for college acceptance and further. I agree that autonomy in the classroom is very important especially in high school but found it difficult to watch some students without guidance who kept changing everything and never finished their projects. Another issue I had was that students were not able to choose what classes they wanted to be in. What happens if they did not enjoy whatever the teacher was doing and had a great passion for what a different teacher was doing? I do believe it was good to push students out of their comfort zones and allow them to take on new roles just as the girl who became the director, however I think there could be greater success and less backlash if the students were given choice. I commend them greatly for trying to shift the way school structures have remained for a long time but there were some things that I believe should be reconsidered.

Trello is a great tool. I am thinking I may use this as a way to keep myself organized in all my classes. I specifically liked the checklists to keep me on track for my blog posts. Everything is laid out in such a clean way that its so easy to go back in and remember exactly what you have to complete at a given time. I additionally think it is great that as a group you can create one for everyone and all be on the same track. I need to check it out more to have a better understanding of how to add and change things but for now I am very excited!