I am continuing to work on my first song “Bad Moon Rising”. It has been going a bit better. I think this is from my raised confidence from my second song. Also I think the second song helped me become more confident and better at changing between chords more fluidly. I think you will be able to see that I have come a ways from my first music video in terms of my first song. The second song will obviously show you a whole other side where I am able to play along with the actual song. I still have a few days to keep working on my first song. Sadly, as I have travelled home and was using my friends guitar in Victoria I do not have a clamp here. This obviously isn’t the biggest deal but it wasn’t something I had really thought much about. My brother might have one but I will need to see. Another funny little thing is my calluses have all popped! Seemed as though when I left the moisture of the coast and headed into the dryer inland that they deflated. I remember back to when I first could not feel my finger tips and I got scared they were going to be permanently like that! Silly me, there are so many people who play guitar I just had to build up my calluses to make strong finger tips which I did!!