Hola! Me llamo Kaylyn y yo queiro estudiar Español mas. For my inquiry I will be re-establishing my Spanish knowledge. I took Spanish from grade 7-12. Through these years I developed a great passion for the language and culture. I did very well in these classes as I was very motivated to learn. One of my largest strengths in Spanish is my ability to read and understand what is written. However, my weakness is being able to respond back to either what was written or what was asked. I want to transfer my understanding of verbal and written Spanish into my ability to respond back in a correct manner.

My biggest regret in leaving high school was stopping my Spanish studying. At the beginning of this year I re-downloaded the Duolingo app where it gives me simple free Spanish lessons. As the first semester began I lost the motivation to continue as my other school work picked up. Upon entering this semester and learning about our free inquiry it was an immediate choice to bring this passion into my current schooling. Duolingo has been a good way to remind me of some basic words and phrases. I have been flying through these lessons as I said previously I am very good with reading in Spanish. Duolingo does ask questions in multiple ways such as asking in English and wanting a response in Spanish, vice versa, matching, and speaking into the microphone. I will also be looking into some other websites and apps for learning Spanish and assess their pro’s and con’s.

I hope some day to be fluent in Spanish. It has always been a thought in the back of my mind that I would love to go work in a Spanish country for a few years. Obviously understanding Spanish would be an amazing asset in this sense. As for now, my main goal is to improve my conversational Spanish skills and to find the best apps to support this.