
This is quite delayed but with everything going on in the world it was hard to keep on track. I have travelled home now and luckily have a guitar here. A couple weeks ago I started working on my song “Stand By Me”. I enjoyed this song a lot better than my last one. I learned it in no time and now love to play it. I started playing it with the music in the background as well. Thanks to the app Chordify I can easily search any song for background music and it will also give me prompts of when I am supposed to play certain chords so it is super easy to follow along with. This has re-established an excitement in me for the guitar. I definitely think I will continue to learn new songs after this project/semester is over. I will have a lot more free time as well!

“Stand By Me” contains the chords G-A-C-D. I think this song has helped me become a lot more comfortable with the guitar and the G chord. Therefore, as I go back to my old song I have been more fluid in my movements especially around the G chord.

For now I am continuing my old song but am fully ready with my second song for music video next week!