Hola! Bienvenido de nuevo!

I sadly have lost my 7 day streak on Duolingo. I was very busy and distracted one day and missed it by a little bit. I have already restarted it and turned on more notifications for Duo to remind me to do my daily lesson.

I have been struggling a little with this inquiry. I find that Duolingo is very good for reminding me certain adjectives, verbs, and nouns, but the conjunction of all of them together is lacking. It’s like second nature for me to just go onto Duolingo and get all the answers right without even really paying attention. Therefore I have decided to start writing put the lessons as I go through them. I have always been a person who learns better by writing things down as I follow along. By breaking down sentences more than Duolingo does I feel I will retain it more. Additionally, when I go back to Calgary for reading break I am going to pull out my Spanish resources from high school.

Mi amigo Laurence is just beginning learning Spanish. Being able to talk to her in Spanish will help me as well. As I am becoming a teacher, when I teach I learn so i think this will be a great way for me to get back to being able to speak Spanish as I did in my Spanish classroom.

Adios amigos!