My finger tips are sore! I have lost feeling in them, hopefully that comes back. I can only imagine what professional guitar players fingers are like. I am back in Victoria now and hope to have more time to practice in the next month. I have all my chords and the strumming pattern fully down. It is just the transition between them and speeding up it all that I am struggling the most with. I now have a greater appreciation for what professional guitarists do. It’s challenging! My brain moves a lot faster than my fingers. I also struggle with having to move my hands separate from each other. Sometimes I will focus too much on one and then the other will forget. I think that is the reason behind having slow transitions because as soon as I try and move my hand to a different chord I end up stopping my strumming. I am continuing to try my hardest and put in effort. I find my finger tips are also limiting me. I know they are getting stronger but they hurt quite a bit. It is almost video time and as I said previously I am disappointed with where I am at but like I said I will continue to keep trying. Practice makes perfect. I have come very far from where I started but will need to shift my musical growth plan a bit as some of the resources I thought I would have ended up falling through and therefore I think I bit off more than I can chew.